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CCR-A Stalker's Tale:
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Week2: Final cut

Finished movie opening link: In my opening, all I did was changed the ending where the note was being read. I changed this because it was unclear what I was saying. Overall, everyone said that everything else was good with my opening. There was nothing left that I thought needed to be changed so decided to leave everything as it is, except for the voice over at the end.

Week 2 of editing

This week I finished all my filming and editing. I was able to put all my work together and finalize all editing work. A problem I encountered was that I almost lost all my work because my videos were saved on a flash drive, not the computer, so I had to move everything on my student number so that the videos could load without my flash drive. I have accomplished all the editing that I see fit for my opening overall. The only thing need to added, other than a few more editing for my final product, is to add the credits.

Week 1 of editing

This week I worked on my editing. I first worked on the first two scenes of my opening and started to editing, even though all my filming wasn't finished. I have added any titles as yet because I wanted to finalize all editing before I stated to add text. This week I spent 2 class periods editing. I had a few problems locating a editing effects but had Mrs. Henderson to help me. Next, I plan to finish all my videoing to put together and put in all clips for the opening.

Filming week 2

This week I have done a little more to prepare my set for filming. As the image shown below I have made improvement on the stalker's mystery board. I have yet to decide if there should be anymore pictures. I am now focusing on making and other last scenes needed to added before i start editing.

Filming week 1

During this week these are the following advancements I've made in my film opening: I have chosen this costume for one of my main characters. This is used to give the character a very mysterious and suspicious vibe as he goes around causing mischief. This second image of a think board in the lair of the previous character mentioned. He will use this board to create schemes and plan his next person to cause frustration and play with their minds. This last image is of me creating a note;a note which will be used by the stalker to mock his victims.