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Showing posts from November, 2018

My Favorite Genre - PowerPoint


Film Viewing Practice Essay

The Marvel one-shot Agent Carter is about a woman, P eggy  Carter, being f rustrated  at being marginalized at work  and goes  on an unauthorized solo field mission. Throughout these  scenes,  numerous forms of the main elements in creating a film are being used: editing, sound, mise-en-scene, and camera  shots, angles, movement and composition. In the opening  scene  we first see  agent Peggy and  Steve   Rodgers  with the use of  simultaneity  as the exchange their final words. With this editing technique, the audience feels a sense of sadness as the camera  switches  from each character  showing   their   unhappiness  as  Rodger  is  plummeting  to his death saying his final goodbyes.  Accompanied  by this scene is a  synchronous  sound. Applying this sound to the scene helps  enhance  the sorrowful emotions being felt by the ...